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Nettlefield Primary School, Radnor Street, Belfast

N1 Cardy Young at Art models Part 2

10th Feb 2020

My house is golden and I made dough for inside so I can play with it.
My house is golden and I made dough for inside so I can play with it.
Mine is all round and it's a necklace for my mum.
Mine is all round and it's a necklace for my mum.
My house has lots of soft things inside it.
My house has lots of soft things inside it.
I enjoyed making my house.
I enjoyed making my house.
I decorated the inside and outside.  I discovered the tubes made a noise when I blew down them.
I decorated the inside and outside. I discovered the tubes made a noise when I blew down them.
I covered my house but you can peel back the top to go inside.
I covered my house but you can peel back the top to go inside.
My house has a big slide to get in.
My house has a big slide to get in.
My house is so lovely.
My house is so lovely.
I made me in my house.
I made me in my house.
My house and my toys in it.
My house and my toys in it.